Update on Manna Happenings
Good evening all,
It has been far too long since I’ve last given an update on what is happening. Honestly, it seems that the dark cloud of covid has forever over-shadowed what we’ve been doing.
So, in an attempt to help realize that there is stuff happening that is not covid related – I’ll let you know some of the things that are happening with Manna.
As you know, we’re not meeting on Saturday – in response to our government’s leading and health directives. We have been invited by Major Norm to set up at the soup kitchen – initially on Wednesday, and expanding into Friday as well. Major Norm’s goal was for us to host a gathering where people could explore issues of spirituality and connection with God, thus, on Wednesday, we had been seeking to lead conversations into areas that helped people recognize the ‘spiritual aspect’ of poverty. This was short-lived when the new regulations required fewer gatherings – so Wednesday became the day we focused on providing clothing – coats, sweaters, pants, toques, scarves, gloves – and in the midst of that, seek to chat with people. Friday, then, became the day when we provided groceries for the weekend. And we have been regularly seeing 50-60 people come through over the course of 2 hours and request groceries. We have also been going to Smithers RV park once a month and providing food and clothing options for 12-20 people. ‘who is we’ – that would be Pinky and me, and we’re loving it.
On the ‘chaplain side’, I conducted a wedding today for Rod and Karianna, down at the beach – it became rather wet – but the 10 people scattered around enjoyed themselves and celebrated. Even Joe [Rod’s dog] got a hair cut, flowers, and a new collar for the big day. Next week, I’ll be conducting a memorial service at Orca for a resident who ODed this past week – this will be my first time back since the gov restricted church gatherings – and it will be an outdoor coffee with a blessing. I hope to resume Orca visits after mid Jan when the restrictions [I hope] are lifted.
I stopped off at Springwood school today, as it was their last day prior to Christmas, and enquired about their breakfast program. They mentioned that it had been stopped because of covid [bagels, muffins, toast], but that there were still kids in need. I mentioned that we could potentially provide lunch/snack supplies – fruit leather, fruit cups, granola bars, juice boxes and lunch bags [all self contained and individually packaged] if they would like – so they will talk about it and get back to us in the new year. I also asked about needy families, and left them some Thrifty coupons. They mentioned that the ‘kid’s winter coat project’ wasn’t happening this year – and that some kids need jackets [this may be something we could advertise].
We’re also helping with the breakfast program run by Oceanside Church for Errington School – this has been warmly received and appreciated.
For the month of Dec. we’ve purchased almost $8,000 of groceries and $2,000 of coupons – it is also a ‘long month’ for welfare cheques [they come out this week and not again until the end of Jan – almost 7 weeks], so we’re anticipating a huge need for help early Jan. Christmas is on a Friday – and the soup kitchen will be closed [and so will our grocery distribution], so we’re hoping to get enough out on Wednesday this coming week.
I’ve been in touch with Kelly, and she is inviting Manna to participate with the ’16 bush camps’ that she is familiar with in our area. Tomorrow, I’m hoping to gather a bag of socks and toques and give them to her so that she can ask the ‘campers’ if Manna can come out regularly with food and clothing items. This will start up after Christmas, I’m hoping, and will offer us greater contact with people forced out of town and finding shelter in vulnerable situations.
Robin was able to help Al and Amy move their trailer and get to a place with regular water and power hook-up, this has been a huge benefit for them. Robin continues to go out regularly to deliver food; Pinky and I are also busy making pick-up runs or deliveries; and we’ve been blessed with favourable monetary donations. [just a side note – QF has been very generous to us; allowing us to order food wholesale and than further reducing the amount we pay – this means, it is better for us to purchase food [we get more for our buck].
All to say, things are going well – we have a good working relationship with the Soup Kitchen.
We miss the community building aspect of Saturday [as do many we see at the Soup Kitchen], and we hope that we can get back to some form of community building in the coming year.
trust all is well,