Will Parksville Have a Cold Weather Shelter This Winter?

Good afternoon,

I just came back from the Orca Place fifth year anniversary held down at the shelter in the park – it was a great event. I was able to chat with Gord Johns, Adam Walker, and Doug – our mayor.

Both Gord and Adam affirmed that the homeless shelter issue is a city initiative and not a province or federal task – the province provides funds through BC Housing and the Feds will offer grants upon request for permanent projects. Both said talk to the mayor – so I did. There are no federal or provincial laws mandating cities to have shelters, but there are recommendations.

I went up to Doug and said that October is soon here and I don’t want to see this year happen like last year when seven people died contributed because there was no shelter. He said that the city helped provide ‘cooling down’ shelters this summer – so I asked what will the city do for cold weather shelters this winter.

Doug tried to say it was the province’s job. I said the city has bylaws that say a shelter can’t be in a commercial, private or residential space; he agreed – saying it was to protect the community.

I said so tell me what facility can be used – he couldn’t. He got rather heated and I kept pressuring him to name a facility that could be used for a shelter. I said we have the funding in place through BC Housing and there are two organizations willing to run it. I also said that VIP Hotel was a provincial project that the city shut down – he said it was for safety concerns.

He said the Bradley Centre – I said it’s too far out of town no one can get to it and it has programs – like he knows – that are for vulnerable populations – elderly and children.

He said the CFC church – I said, it was for one week between Christmas and New Years because they also work with vulnerable populations seniors, and children. I said churches aren’t available because they have regular programs with vulnerable populations – elderly and children.

I kept asking him to identify a facility – he wouldn’t. He said I was harassing him and he would get the police officer – Trevor – to move me out of the place. I didn’t raise my voice, and everyone heard the interchange – I kept pressing for a facility to be identified and he got angry.

Both Violet – ICCS Director and Gord Johns mentioned the need for a shelter as there was not a shelter last year – but Doug didn’t respond.

So, we’re left with no commitment from the city to offer a facility or help find one. The city has tied up the purpose built space at Orca Place through legal red tape – so at this point there is no shelter coming this fall and winter.

I think the only thing we can do at this point is to encourage people to move to places that have shelters or be prepared to offer winter survival gear.

With confidence we can say – there will not be a cold weather shelter in Parksville this year and the city refuses to participate in the process of securing space for one. Likely, more will die because of this neglect.

Not very thankful at the moment,
